Potential of chlorophyll-a Nostoc commune from rice paddy fields in Gilianyar Kamal Village, Bangkalan District, Madura, Indonesia




Abstract. Khofifah A, Abida IW, Triajie H. 2023. Potential chlorophyll-a Nostoc commune from rice paddy fields in Gilianyar Kamal Village, Bangkalan Regency, Madura, Indonesia. Pros Sem Nas Masy Biodiv Indon 9: 1-9. The potential of algae resources in the waters has not been utilized properly, including the Nostoc commune type. Nostoc commune is known as star jelly because of its jelly-like shape, which is used as a processed food ingredient for health in China and Taiwan; the utilization as a healthy food also has been widely practiced in various countries. Chlorophyll-a is the main pigment found in plants and applicable in human life. The purpose of this study was to determine the chlorophyll-a content of N. commune from rice field habitats. The method used was purposive sampling in the rice field area of Gilianyar Kamal Village, Bangkalan Regency, with 3 sampling locations: point 1 in growing rice, point 2 in post-harvest rice, and point 3 in post-harvest rice with aquatic plant associations. According to Harborne (1973), the chlorophyll-a content analysis was held at the Environmental Laboratory of the Department of Marine Science and Fisheries, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Trunojoyo, Madura. The results showed that the highest value of chlorophyll-a content with 2 times sampling was 16.9339 mg/L at point 3, where N. commune was taken at the surface of the waters. At the same time, the lowest value was 6.3122 mg/L, also at point 3, taken from the bottom layer with blackish N. commune near the bottom of the waters. The chlorophyll content can be used as an indicator to evaluate the metabolic imbalance resulting from macroalgae production when there is a lack of water and photosynthesis.


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