Identification of riparian tree canopy forms and their conservation status from collection in Purwodadi Botanical Garden, East Java, Indonesia




Abstract. Rahmania FN, Irawanto R. 2023. Identifikasi bentuk tajuk pohon riparian dan status konservasinya dari koleksi Kebun Raya Purwodadi, Jawa Timur, Indonesia. Pros Sem Nas Masy Biodiv Indon 9: 29-36. Purwodadi Botanical Garden (KRP) as one of the plant conservation centers is in charge of collecting various rare and important growing species to be preserved. One of the collections from KRP that has an important function for the environment is a collection of riparian trees that are found living in waterfront areas such as lakes, ponds, and rivers so that they are known to be able to buffer ecosystems on the banks of water bodies. Previous research on riparian trees stated that there were 71 types of riparian trees collected by KRP. The important role of riparian trees to the ecosystem makes riparian trees must be preserved. So that the purpose of this study is one of the conservation efforts by knowing its conservation status on the IUCN Red List and identifying the form of the header to find out its benefits for the ecosystem. This research method is descriptive qualitative exploratory as well as literature studies by checking the status of conservation and observation of the form of the title of the research object. The results showed that 15 species of riparian trees from 12 berebeda families had conservation status on the IUCN red list in the KRP collection. Existing conservation states are Least Concern (LC), Data Deficient (DD), and Vulnerable (VU). Data shows that the 15 types of riparian trees have various canopy shapes, namely spread, fastigiated, globular, weeping, picturesque, and columnar types. So it can be concluded that there are 15 types of riparian trees that have conservation status on the IUCN red list and 15 types of riparian trees have various canopy shapes in the Purwodadi Botanical Garden collection.


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