Inventory of Flacourtia spp. of Purwodadi Botanical Garden collection and literature study of phytochemical compound profiles
Abstract. Sukma EVT, Angio MH, Turhadi. 2023. Inventory of Flacourtia spp. of Purwodadi Botanical Garden collection and literature study of phytochemical compound profiles. Pros Sem Nas Masy Biodiv Indon 9: 46-53. Local fruit plants are one of the biological riches in the territory of Indonesia and for certain types their existence is already rare because they are not well known by the public, one of which is rukam (Flacourtia rukam). Efforts that can be made to preserve the rukam plant are by means of conservation ex-situ at the Purwodadi Botanical Garden (KRP). Rukam plants have been reported to contain phytochemical compounds that have the potential to treat various diseases. The purpose of this study is to inventory a collection of species Flacourtia spp. collections of the Purwodadi Botanical Gardens and provide information on the content of phytochemical compounds through literature studies. The method used in this study includes data collection Flacourtia spp. in the registration unit, types of direct observation of collections and literature studies of the content of phytochemical compounds. The results showed that there were 4 types Flacourtia spp. Purwodadi Botanical Garden collection, namely F. zippelii Sloot., F. unarmed Roxb, F. indicates Merr (Burm. f.), and F. rukam Zoll & Moritzi). The results of a literature study conducted revealed that the content of phytochemical compounds in fruit is of various types Flacourtia has the potential as an anti-bacterial compound, anti-hypertensive, anti-carcinogenic, antioxidant, anti-viral, anti-cancer, anti-inflammatory and anti-tumor). With this information, it is hoped that the Indonesian people will know that local fruit Flacourtia has great benefits for health. In addition, it is hoped that there will be an interest in preserving the types of local fruit Flacourtia in the community. Local fruit Flacourtia its existence can be maintained and has structured conservation in Indonesia.