Utilization and geographic distribution of Baccaurea spp. Purwodadi Botanical Garden collection, Pasuruan, East Java, Indonesia




Abstract. Qolbi NR, Angio MH, Turhadi. 2023. Utilization and geographic distribution of Baccaurea spp. Purwodadi Botanical Garden collection, Pasuruan, East Java, Indonesia. Pros Sem Nas Masy Biodiv Indon 9: 54-62. Indonesia is a country that has a rich biological diversity with an abundance of flora and fauna. One genus of flora in Indonesia is categorized as a local fruit, one of which is Baccaurea spp. This local fruit plant from the genus Baccaurea is a type of plant that is not well known by the public, so its potential and utilization is still lacking. The purpose of this research is to introduce various potentials and uses of Baccaurea spp., provide information about the geographical distribution area of ??the Baccaurea spp. which is one of the collections of living plants from the Purwodadi Botanical Garden (KRP), Pasuruan, East Java, Indonesia. The methods used include: collecting data on the registration of the genus Baccaurea found in KRP, direct observation of collection plants, and literature studies on conservation status, geographical data on the distribution area of ??each species globally, plant morphology and the benefits of these plants for local communities. The results showed that there were eight trees whose specific species were unknown and six species of Baccaurea spp. the Purwodadi Botanical Garden collection for which specific species are known includes Baccaurea hookeri Gage, Baccaurea dulcis (Jack) Mull.Arg., Baccaurea javanica (Blume) Mull.Arg., Baccaurea celebica Pax & K.Hoffm., Baccaurea racemosa (Reinw.) Mull.Arg., and Baccaurea tetrandra (Baill.) Mull.Arg. which has a distribution location in KRP in 7 different vacancies (planting plots) and in distribution, generally data is found in Southeast Asian regions such as Thailand, Malaysia and Indonesia with two species which are endemic to Indonesia, namely Baccaurea dulcis and Baccaurea celebica. Utilization of Baccaurea spp. generally used the fruit as food, wood for building materials and furniture and several other species-specific types that are used as medicines locally. There are several species containing special compounds that can be developed as prospects for drugs. With these information, it is hoped that it can increase public knowledge of Indonesian local fruits that are rarely known and their benefits, especially Baccaurea spp.


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