The utilization of medicinal plants by semi-urban communities in Ngringo Village, Karanganyar, Central Java, Indonesia
Abstrak. Fil’ardiani NU, Agustin YS, Muazulfa TI, Daniswara AP, Dianti, Setyawan AD. 2024. The utilization of medicinal plants by semi-urban communities in Ngringo Village, Karanganyar, Central Java, Indonesia. Pros Sem Nas Masy Biodiv Indon 10: 1-12. The utilisation of medicinal plants is carried out in a special or limited way, where medicinal plants are a heritage that is passed down from generation to generation. The increasing progress of the times followed by the development of modern culture, it is feared that local wisdom can gradually be taken away from customs, so that it can cause the loss of traditional knowledge owned by the community. In Ngringo Village, Karanganyar, Central Java, the residents still maintain their habits in utilising medicinal plants. Therefore, this study aims to determine the community's knowledge about the types of medicinal plants and their utilisation for healing diseases in Ngringo Village and to have a scientific database of medicinal plant species in the village that have been used and their known benefits. The research was conducted in December 2022 by conducting interviews, questionnaires, and observations to the community in Ngringo Village. The collected data were written in a tally sheet and analysed descriptively and quantitatively by finding the Use Value (UV), Informant Consensus Factor (ICF) and Fidelity Level (FL). The results showed that the community in Ngringo Village utilised 64 species from 34 plant families with the types of plants often used coming from the Zingiberaceae family such as ginger, red ginger, turmeric, galangal, galangal, temulawak, temu kunci and temu giring. Data from respondents in Ngringo Village resulted in the highest UV value of 0.43 from ginger (Zingiber officinale), while the lowest was 0.01 such as onions (Allium cepa), soursop (Annona muricata), belimbing wuluh (Averrhoa bilimbi), and others. The results of the ICF calculation obtained the highest value of 1 found in kitolod (Isotoma longiflora) and the lowest 0.067 found in brambang dayak (Eleutherine bulbosa). While the highest FL value is 100% found in kitolod (I. longiflora), urang-aring (Eclipta prostrata), eucalyptus (Melaleuca leucadendra), bawang lanang (Allium sativum), brotowali (Tinospora cordifolia), and cloves (Syzygium aromaticum) and the lowest is 43% found in ginger (Z. officinale). People in Ngringo Village believe that medicinal plants provide efficacy in treating diseases.