Study of CBIB aspects for sustainable fresh water fish cultivation business in Tuatunu Village, Gerunggang District, Pangkalpinang City, Bangka Belitung Islands, Indonesia
Abstract. Elenda, Bidayani E, Robin. 2023. Study of CBIB aspects for sustainable fresh water fish cultivation business in Tuatunu Village, Gerunggang District, Pangkalpinang City, Bangka Belitung Islands, Indonesia. Pros Sem Nas Masy Biodiv Indon 9: 63-69. Good Fish Cultivation Methods (CBIB) is the key to the success of fish farming. The application of CBIB aspects has an impact on revenue and business sustainability. One of the Pokdakan that is the target of the CBIB implementation study is the Mandiri Sejahtera Pokdakan in Tuatunu Village, Gerunggang District, Pangkalpinang City. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the application of CBIB aspects in freshwater fish farming. This research method is a survey, with a case study technique. Data analysis with descriptive approach. The research data consists of primary data and secondary data. Primary data collection techniques using observation, interviews and documentation. Determining the location of the sample through purposive sampling technique with the consideration that it is a freshwater fish farming production center that applies CBIB good fish farming methods. The results of research on the four aspects that have been studied in the application of CBIB, namely technical aspects, management aspects, food safety aspects and environmental aspects, overall with a percentage of 79.40-86.82% have high criteria. Technical aspects have an average percentage of 86.82%, management aspects have an average percentage of 79.77%, food safety aspects have an average percentage of 79.40%, and environmental aspects have an average percentage of 82.49%.