Biodiversity of Cermat Urban Forest, West Bandung Regency, West Java, Indonesia




Abstract. Raihandhany R, Primasongko A, Nuraeni S, Jaelani A. 2023. Biodiversity of Cermat Urban Forest, West Bandung Regency, West Java, Indonesia. Pros Sem Nas Masy Biodiv Indon 9: 80-90. Identification and inventory of biodiversity in West Bandung Regency is necessary due to the status of the regency as a strategic conservation area of West Java province, with its functions as water catchment area and center of biodiversity. To achieve a sustainable use of biodiversity, the government must provide local biodiversity database and document. This research activity was conducted at Cermat Urban Forest, located at West Bandung Regency Office area, Mekarsari Village, Ngamprah District, West Bandung Regency, West Java. The methods used were exploring and census all trees in the urban forest, taking data of local names, scientific names, families, number of individuals, and geographical location of the trees using Avenza Maps, a mobile smartphone application, and processed in ArcMap 10.4.1. For animals, observation was carried out by trail exploration in the morning and afternoon for birds and mammals, then in the morning, afternoon, and night for fauna such as herpetofaunas and mammals. As the results, there are 278 trees of 35 species from 17 families. The trees in urban forest have potencies and benefits such as shade trees, fruit trees, organic fertilizer, ornament trees, and more. This location is the proper potential area as a local and protected tree species collection park, because of the distance near the government’s office and existing park management. As the results for animal survey, there are found 18 bird species with total number of 107 individuals, 9 herpetofauna species with total number of 49 individuals, and 4 mammal species with total number of 4 individuals. Those species are commonly found in cropped agricultural areas, paddy fields, bushes, and settlements. Management of existing tree collection and planting more conservation-valued trees to the area, would establish a new and important wildlife habitat and suitable for Regional Biodiversity Park.


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