Impact of type and thickness of organic mulch on plant microenvironment and yield of strawberry (Fragaria x ananassa) var. California in the lowland




Abstrak. Suminarti NE, Yonskar KA, Fajriani S, Prasetianto M. 2023. Impact of type and thickness of organic mulch on plant microenvironment and yield of strawberry (Fragaria x ananassa) var. California in the lowland. Pros Sem Nas Masy Biodiv Indon 9: 45-52. The technological innovations in the cultivation of strawberry plants in the lowlands have been conducted from April to July 2021 in Jatikerto Village, Malang Regency, East Java, Indonesia. This technological innovation development was carried out to maintain the continuity of strawberries' availability and anticipate the increasingly higher price. The research objective was to determine the appropriate type and thickness of organic mulch for strawberry plants. The environmental design used was a Completely Randomized Block with 7 treatment combinations of types and levels of mulch thickness. The seven treatment combinations were: without mulch (the control), rice straw mulch with 2 cm, 4 cm, 6 cm, and rice husk mulch with 2 cm, 4 cm, and 6 cm thickness. The study showed that applying straw mulch increased the average minimum soil temperature by 2.81°C (12.35%), the average minimum soil moisture by 15.92% (33.46%), and the average maximum soil temperature was reduced an average of 5.03°C (15.26%) and was able to increase fruit weight per plant and per hectare by an average of 3.29 g per plant (84.29%) and fruit weight/ha of 0.22 t ha- 1 (88%) compared to control. However, rice husk mulch could only increase the average minimum soil temperature by 1.25°C (5.63%), average minimum soil moisture by 8.35% (17.53%), and reduce the minimum average maximum soil temperature. Moreover, the average of 2.94°C (8.93%) increased fruit weight per plant and per hectare by an average of 19.47 g per plant (121%) and by 0.18 t ha-1 (73.33%) were obtained compared to control. The study concluded that mulch application in the strawberry plant cultivations in the lowlands is necessary to increase strawberry plant yields. The type and thickness of mulch suitable for use is rice straw at 6 cm.


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