Diversity and population density of parasitic nematode genera in the rhizosphere of potato plants in Solok District, West Sumatra
Abstract. Bramasta MW, Winarto, Khairul U. 2023. Diversity and population density of parasitic nematode genera in the rhizosphere of potato plants in Solok District, West Sumatra. Pros Sem Nas Masy Biodiv Indon 9: 67-74. Parasitic nematodes are one of the important Plant Pest Organisms that attack various types of cultivated plants. It is necessary to know the type and population density of the parasitic nematode genus as the first step in developing a strategy to control it so there is no explosion in the nematode population. The purpose of this study was to determine the type and population density of the parasitic nematode genus on potato plants (Solanum tuberosum L.) in Solok Regency and use a purposive sampling method. Soil samples were taken from Lembah Gumanti District and Danau Kembar District, Solok Regency. Two villages (Nagari) were taken from each sub-district, two jorongs were taken from each Nagari, and soil samples from two fields were taken from each jorong. The parameters of the observations were Identification and Nematode Population Density. The results showed that four genera of parasitic nematodes were found in the rhizosphere of potato plants in Solok District, namely the genera Pratylenchus, Rotylenchulus, Helicotylenchus, and Trichodorus. The highest population density of the parasitic nematode genus was found in Nagari Kampung Batu Dalam, namely 0.841 individuals/cm3. The highest frequency of presence of the parasitic nematode genus, namely the Rotylenchulus genus in Nagari Kampung Batu Dalam, was in the absolute category (100%).