Ornamental fish biodiversity and conservation status in Surakarta City, Central Java, Indonesia




Abstract. Restanti AD, Muryanto BS, Pramudita DA, Fadzilah FPA, Zuaini PAK, Setyawan AD. 2023. Ornamental fish biodiversity and conservation status in Surakarta City, Central Java, Indonesia. Pros Sem Nas Masy Biodiv Indon 9: 97-106. Indonesia has a high biodiversity, one of which is ornamental fish species diversity; the ornamental fish commodities market increase impacts their conservation. This study aims to determine ornamental fish diversity and conservation status in Surakarta City, Central Java. Data were collected through a quantitative and qualitative survey with an ethnozoological study approach at Pasar Depok and Pasar Kembang. Primary data was obtained by interview technique (with 35 fish traders) and in-depth survey, while secondary data was obtained from various literature studies. The study recorded 77 species (and 19 variants) from 25 families and 10 orders. The diversity of species with the highest distribution is the Cichilidae family, with a total of 14 species with a percentage of 18.18%; next, the Characidae family, with 12 species and a percentage of 15.58% and the Cyprinidae family, with 10 species and a percentage of 12.99%. The results of the conservation status analysis showed 6 status groupings with 4 EN (Endangered) species, 3 NT (Near Threatened) species, 1 VU (Vulnerable) species, 62 LC (Least Concerned) species, 3 species with DD (Data Deficient) status, and 23 variety of NE (Not Evaluated) species. In addition, there are also 65 species/variants which are introduced species. Conservation efforts must be carried out to maintain the sustainability and diversity of traded ornamental fish. Conservation can be made through responsible management by observing ecological aspects by sustainable production systems, minimizing the environmental impact, and supporting conservation as a solution for sustainable fish trading.


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