Morphological study of the heart, lungs, spleen, kidney, and ovarium of asian palm civet (Paradoxurus hermaphroditus) from Kalimantan, Indonesia




Abstract. Khasanah N, Santoso HB, Nurliani A. 2023. Morphological study of the heart, lungs, spleen, kidney, and ovarium of asian palm civet (Paradoxurus hermaphroditus) from Kalimantan, Indonesia. Pros Sem Nas Masy Biodiv Indon 9: 158-165. The increase in demand for civet coffee beans has affected the civet, which is increasingly being exploited and impacting its welfare. Studying the civet organs to provide information in a biological data bank is necessary as a preliminary step in civet conservation. The literature regarding the morphology of the civet from Kalimantan, especially the organs of the heart, lungs, spleen, and ovaries, has never been reported. Therefore, this study examines the morphology of the Kalimantan civet's heart, lungs, spleen, kidneys, and ovaries. This study used three female civets whose body weight and body length were measured; after that, surgery and sampling were carried out. Morphological observations included layout, shape, color, consistency, and description of organ parts. The study shows that the heart is behind the sternum, has the shape of an inverted pyramid, is solid, and has a pale red color. Laterally, the lungs are directly adjacent to the ribs, with 2 left and 3 right lobes, elastic and dark pink. The spleen is located posterior to the left rib, spongy, tongue-shaped, and dark pink. Kidney attached to posterior abdominal wall, solid, bean-shaped, dark red. The ovary is in the pelvic cavity, small, round, oval shape like a green bean, soft elastic, and pink in color.


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