Diversity and abundance of ectoparasite in banana prawn (Penaeus merguiensis) as caught in Sleko fish landing, Cilacap, Central Java
Abstract. Rokhmani, Setyowati EA, Budianto BH. 2023. Diversity and abundance of ectoparasite in banana prawn (Penaeus merguiensis) as caught in Sleko fish landing, Cilacap, Central Java. Pros Sem Nas Masy Biodiv Indon 9: 15-21. Banana shrimp (Penaeus merguiensis de Man, 1888) is a type of shrimp belonging to the class Crustacea of the Decapoda order and the Penaeidae family. In their life cycle, Banana shrimp utilizes mangrove forest estuaries as their living area utilizing mangrove forest estuaries as nurseries and offshore seas as spawning areas. Banana shrimp in Sleko Cilacap have an important economic role for the surrounding community, reaching 13% of the total shrimp production. This study aims to determine the abundance and diversity of ectoparasites in banana shrimp (P. merguiensis) in Sleko Cilacap. The study uses a survey method using a random sampling technique. The study found that the prevalence of ectoparasites in Banana shrimp (P. merguiensis) caught in Sleko Cilacap was 54%. The ectoparasites found in Banana Shrimp comprise three species, Apiosoma sp., Oodinium sp., and Vorticella sp. The ectoparasite abundance of the Banana Shrimp (P. merguiensis) caught in Sleko Cilacap shows that Apiosoma sp. 0.15 ind/shrimp, Oodinium sp. 0.52 ind/shrimp, and Vorticella sp, 0.04 ind/shrimp. In addition, index diversity is at 0.7185 and Evenness at 0.654, which means individual spread within communities.