Vitamin C content and potential of makroalga in the Coastal Region of Cigebang, Cianjur, West Java




Setiawati T, Nurzaman M, Mutaqin AZ, Budiono R, Abdiwijaya A. 2017. Vitamin C content and potential of makroalga in the Coastal Region of Cigebang, Cianjur, West Java. Pros Sem Nas Masy Biodiv Indon 3: 39-44. This research aims to know the content of vitamin C macroalgae and its potential for the community in coastal area Cigebang Cianjur, West Java province. The methods used in the study is a quantitative descriptive approach. Techniques of sampling survey method using macroalgae, vitamin C test with the method iodometry, and to know the potential of macroalgae according to the community is carried out by the methods of a questionnaire. The results showed that there is a difference of vitamin C on seven types of macroalgae are found namely Boergesenia forbesii 0.0167 mg/mL, Codium edule 0.0191 mg/mL, Padina sanctae-crucis 0.0686 mg/mL, Chaetomorpha antennina 0.0129 mg/mL, Ulva lactuca 0.0191 mg/mL, Cladophoropsis sundanensis 0.0211 mg/mL, and Sargassum sp. 0.0959 mg/mL. of the highest content of vitamin C contained in Sargassum sp. and the lowest at Chaetomorpha antennina. Based on the knowledge of local people, macroalgae are potentially economically and mostly sold to support the life of the community. Some people offer it as foodstuffs such as dodol, urab, stir fry, and even can be consumed directly. Other potential communities know about the macroalgae, i.e. as food ingredients gelatin, cosmetic ingredients, such as batik shirt-making materials, and medicines.
