Coconut manna: Conservation effort and its obtacles in South Bengkulu District, Indonesia




Abstract. Rosbarnawan F, Harwindah, Rosmanah S, Ishak A, Firison J, Yahumri, Alfayanti, Rahman T, Putra WE, Fauzi E. 2024. Coconut manna: Conservation effort and its obtacles in South Bengkulu District, Indonesia. Pros Sem Nas Masy Biodiv Indon 10: 61-64. Coconut manna is one of the genetic resources owned by the South Bengkulu District Government that is important to preserve. This plant has been conserved by the community for generations, but the tendency of decreasing planting area indicates the weakening of in-situ conservation efforts of coconut manna. This study aims to determine the factors causing the weakening of in-situ conservation efforts of coconut manna. The study was conducted in Pino and Manna Sub-districts, South Bengkulu District from April to May 2022. Primary data collection was carried out through in-depth interviews with key informants and field observations. Secondary data used were obtained from the results of a desk study. The data collected were in the form of coconut manna morphology, planting area, in-situ conservation efforts, and factors causing the weakening of in-situ conservation. Data analysis was carried out descriptively with an interactive model. The results of the study showed that coconut manna is no longer cultivated by the community and its planting area tends to decrease. Coconut manna is not economical because its production has decreased, coconut manna is no longer optimal because it is old and the price factor of coconut fruit is felt to no longer provide benefits.


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