Diversity of butterflies in the conservation area of Petungsewu Wildlife Education Center, Malang, East Java




Fauziyah S, Maghfirah MF, Wulandari AD, Felayati T, Sari EKAP, Winarni D, Al-Yamini TH. 2017. Diversity of butterflies in the conservation area of Petungsewu Wildlife Education Center, Malang, East Java. Pros Sem Nas Masy Biodiv Indon 3: 252-257. Petungsewu Wildlife Education Center is a conservation area that developed since 2003, located in Petungsewu Village, Dau Subdistrict, Malang District, East Java. Reforestation activity continues in this region, so there are so many kinds of plant in here. Those can interest various wild animal to visit this are, such as birds, butterfly, squirrel, etc. The butterfly is an insect that can be a bioindicator of air pollution in a region. The aims of this research are to get information about the diversity of butterfly, dominance, and the similarity community index in PWEC. This research using survey method, that is by catching every butterfly using the net. This research was conducted at two tracks, that is track X, that the distance is 200 meters on the right side of PWEC and Y track that the distance is 200 meters on the left side of PWEC. The next step is identifying the species of butterfly by looking the color of their wings. The result of this research show that the diversity index of butterfly in track X is 2.17 and track Y is 2.81, so its classified as moderate. Dominance index in track X is 0.19 and track Y is 0.07 that means this community is stable and there are no species that dominated. The similarity community index is 6.7% and classified as low.


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Article ID 818545, DOI: 10.5402/2011/818545