Reduction of oil spill by using Bacteria Culture method at TLP West Seno, Makassar Strait
Ilham KN, Meidyansyah AS, Arrozi WM. 2017. Reduction of oil spill by using Bacteria Culture method at TLP West Seno, Makassar Strait. Pros Sem Nas Masy Biodiv Indon 3: 258-265. This scientific work is a scientific idea from our research on a project that has been done by Hyundai Heavy Industry (HHI) of Ulsan, South Korea, as the main contractor of the West Seno project. The topic of "Tension Leg Platform" (TLP) is chosen for this scientific work because TLP has a harmful effect in the event of an oil spill and causes marine pollution. Some TLP structures are flexible in horizontal, surge and sway directions. While on the vertical movement, TLP made fixed. The view that makes TLP different from other tethered structures is the unique buoyancy concept. TLP buoyancy exceeds its own weight which is guarded by a vertical mooring known as a tendon. Therefore, the risk that occurs if the concept does not work according to plan is an oil spill, because some models always make wells perpendicular to the sea surface. TLP has a tension in the patio tendon caused by the TLP movement. This certainly has an impact on the oil spill. Under the RP2T API, oil spills cause the safety level of workers to become erratic and cause continuous sea pollution in the absence of serious handling. Therefore, planting or bacterial culture around the TLP will facilitate the decomposition of oil and reduce contamination. Bacterial cultures Geobacter sulfurreducens and Geobacter metallireducens are appropriate methods for reducing contamination around TLP. According to OPEC, there are 1,856 rigs by 2016 and there are 2,412 rigs by 2015 worldwide. This indicates as many as 556 rigs in the world are closing due to oil spills and oil degradation problems. Approximately 30% of the world's rigs have serious problems regarding the pollution of the oil spill. Based on Hkabelnanoh (1987) discovery and developed by Professor Derek Lovley that the bacterium can reduce hydrocarbon chain in oil spill area up to 90%. However, a bacterial culture like this is rarely done by Indonesian oil companies and even the world.
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