Comparison of Bird Species Diversity in the Natural Park and Nature Reserve Pananjung Pangandaran, West Java




Safanah NG, Nugraha CS, Partasasmita P, Husodo T. 2017. Comparison of Bird Species Diversity in the Natural Park and Nature Reserve Pananjung Pangandaran, West Java. Pros Sem Nas Masy Biodiv Indon 3: 266-272. Birds have an important role in nature, so it can be used as indicators of environmental change because there are differences in biodiversity, especially species that occupy these habitats. The difference has to do with the vegetation of the habitat and the intensity of the interference from the outside of the habitat. In areas with two types aforementioned is the Nature Park (TWA) and Nature Reserves (CA) in Pananjung Pangandaran. Both locations are located very close together, but have low vegetation structure and intensity of use by humans is very high in the TWA than in CA. This study aims to determine differences in bird species diversity, the level of diversity, abundance and distribution in the TWA and CA Pananjung Pangandaran. The method used in this study is the point count. The results showed that the bird species found in Pangandaran Pananjung many as 37 species consist of 19 species of birds are in the TWA and 24 types in CA. The index value diversity in TWA (H'= 2.61) and CA (H' = 2.72). Bird species that have the highest dominance and distribution of Common Iora (Aegithina tiphia) at TWA and Oriental pied hornbill (Anthracoceros albirostris) in CA. The evenness index values TWA (0.89) and CA (0.85) shows a uniform distribution. Bird species conservation status is the status of vulnerable species, an endangered species, 10 kinds of reserved RI, and five species included in Appendix II status according to CITES.


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