Evaluation of Pseudomonas fluorescens antagonist to control fusarium wilt disease on tomato
Chrisnawati, Sudjijo, Marlen L, Nasrun. 2017. Evaluation of Pseudomonas fluorescens antagonist to control fusarium wilt disease on tomato. Pros Sem Nas Masy Biodiv Indon 3: 273-277. Fusarium wilt disease (Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. lycopersici) is one of important constraint for tomato production. Biological control by using Pseudomonas fluorescens was hoped capable to control the fusarium wilt disease. The aims of the study were to find out P. fluorescens which effective and efficient to control the fusarium wilt disease and to increase plant growth and production of tomato. Tomato seedlings were dipped in 100 ml suspension of P. fluorescens for 1 hours, and they were inoculated by inoculum of F. oxyporum isolate on root of tomato seedling. The study used a complete randomized design with biocontrol agents of P. fluorescens PfT8 (tomato), PfN19 (patchouli plant), dan PfK55 (rubber plant) as treatments with four replications for each agent. The results of the study showed that P. fluorescens PfT8, PfN19 and PfK55 had the same effectivity to control the fusarium wilt disease and to increase plant growth of tomato with the incubation period of disease symptom were 6.75-7.30 days after inoculation (DAI), disease intensity between 14.30-16.88%, plant height between 27.75-44.00 cm, total number of leaves were 9.25-9.75 leaves/plant, total number of twighs were 3.25-4.00 twighs/plant, wet weight of plant between 48.80-52.68 g/plant and dry weight of plant between 6.76-7.08 g/plant.
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