Input of thermal total unit to the quality of babycorn (Zea mays) harvest in lowland




Dwipa I. 2017. Input of thermal total unit to the quality of babycorn (Zea mays) harvest in lowland. Pros Sem Nas Masy Biodiv Indon 3: 294-298. Using of harvest thermal total unit is a way to obtain the best quality of babycorn harvest. The research aimed to study the total thermal unit to obtain the best babycorn yield. The research was conducted in the field of Kuranji Village, Subdistrict of Kuranji, Padang at altitude ± 25 m asl (above sea level) from August to December 2015. Randomized block design (RBD) was used in this research by 5 treatments and 4 blocks which each treatment A (710-730 TU), B (740-760 TU), C (770-790 TU), D (800-820 TU) dan E (830-850 TU). The data was analyzed using F test and further continued by DNMRT 5%. The result showed that harvesting by 830-850 TU was the best treatment for diameter of corn cob, length of corn cob and fiber content.


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