Industrial urban forest for ex situ conservation of endemic and threatened species of flora in urban environment
Gunawan H, Sugiarti, Rianti A, Rendra PPR, Sudarso I. 2017. Industrial urban forest for ex situ conservation of endemic and threatened species of flora in urban environment. Pros Sem Nas Masy Biodiv Indon 3: 323-333. Industrial estate in Bogor regency is growing fastly, and one of the fastest growing industry is Sub District of Gunung Putri. Policy of the local government in supporting industrial estate is developing urban forest to improve environmental quality and conserving indigenous threatened species of flora. The objective of this research is to identify the richness and diversity of flora in the urban forest of PT. AGM Gunung Putri and its impact on the increase of richness and diversity of fauna. Census and geotagging of trees and field observation on fauna were conducted throughout the urban forest area. The result concludes that urban forest of PT. AGM Gunung Putri can be categorized as urban settlement forest, industrial urban forest and biodiversity conservation urban forest. Based on the distribution of tees, this urban forest can be categorized as an aggregate urban forest. Until 2015, there are 72 species consisting of 397 trees. In general, there is an increase of diversity index from 2,06 (2010) to 3,34 (2015). There are 1,4% species listed in red list IUCN as Endangered, 2,8% Vulnerable, 6,9% Least Concern, 1,4% Data Deficient and 87,5% Not Evaluated. Twenty-seven species of fauna were recorded consisting of two species of mammals, five species of reptiles, seven species of aves and 13 species of insects. Diversity index of fauna community is 2,8.
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