Poaching intensity and trading pattern of pig-nosed turtle in Vriendschap River, Asmat District, Papua
Triantoro RGN, Kusrini MD, Prasetyo LB. 2017. Poaching intensity and trading pattern of pig-nosed turtle in Vriendschap River, Asmat District, Papua. Pros Sem Nas Masy Biodiv Indon 3: 339-344. Poaching from the wild for economic benefits has occurred in local communities in Southern Papua by utilizing of pig-nosed turtle. Excessive poaching every year against its eggs from the wild, is feared to accelerate the rate of population decline. This study aims to determine the intensity of egg utilization of pig-nosed turtle and trade pattern. Data collection was conducted on 8-25 November 2011 using survey method with observation and interview technique in Forum Group Discussion (FGD). The results showed that the intensity of egg utilization was very high (? 75%), unlimited harvesting of mains, trading pattern occurred in three systems, and hunting activity started in the morning before sunrise. The value of the sale of eggs for 18 days in the Vriendschap river area of Rp 46,322,500, while the sale value in the village or district of Rp 105.880.000.
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