Scientometrics analysis to investigate the potency of biomedicine research based on Indonesia biodiversity publication




Nadhiroh IM, Hardiyati R, Amelia M, Rahmaida R, Handayani T. 2017. Scientometrics analysis to investigate the potency of biomedicine research based on Indonesia biodiversity publication. Pros Sem Nas Masy Biodiv Indon 3: 345-350. Indonesia as a mega biodiversity country, has great potential with a wealth of biodiversity. One of them is the discovery of biomedical drugs derived from genetic resources originating from Indonesia. Research related to genetic resources of biodiversity in Indonesia has been done a lot. Some of them are related to new drug discovery process based on genetic resources of Indonesia's biodiversity. Scientometrics is a quantitative approach in research on the development of science and technology. This study aims to analyze the potential discovery of biomedical drugs based on scientific publications using the approach Scientometrics. One application of saintometrika is to reveal the potential and scientific trends of scientific publication data. Many methods can be used related to the application, one of which is Coword analysis method. The data used in this study is the international scientific publication data biomedical Indonesia related biomedical data originating from Scopus. Based on these data, the majority of research stages conducted are still at drug discovery stage. Therefore, further analysis needs to be needed to provide guidance in conducting more efficient research. The results indicate the great potential of some species of biodiversity in Indonesia, judging by their relation to keywords related to drug discovery, such as anti-cancer, antioxidant, and others. This result can be applied in research management, ie by providing more funds in the study, so as to produce useful products.


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