Trial of plant species with the treatment of planting media on post C quarry land in KHDTK Labanan, Berau District, East Kalimantan
Cahyani RW, Hardjana AK. 2017. Trial of plant species with the treatment of planting media on post C quarry land in KHDTK Labanan, Berau District, East Kalimantan. Pros Sem Nas Masy Biodiv Indon 3: 361-367. The increasing demand for building materials especially limestone encourages increased mining activities against the stone. This condition has occurred around KHDTK Labanan, where the people's mining activities are widening and leaving the post-mining land that is not patterned by the condition of the land, rocky and dry. This limestone mining activity is included in the category of C quarry mining carried out with open pit mining system either with simple equipment or heavy equipment. The impact of this mining is the change in physical and chemical properties of the soil including increased bulk density and soil moisture and decreased permeability and soil fertility. Rehabilitation needs to be done to improve the condition of the land, one of which is by planting the appropriate plant species against these extreme conditions and also done the treatment of planting holes in order to improve the soil conditions around the plant. The purpose of this study was to find out the initial information of the percentage of plant life and growth that was planted on post-mining land C in KHDTK Labanan. Based on the result of the second measurement which is 10 months with the first measurement, the highest percentage of plant life is found in laban (Vitex sp.) 91.67%, then sengon (Paraserianthes falcataria), and the lowest of Johar (Cassia siamea) equal to 56%. High ropes and high plant diameter are found in the type of sengon, which is 223.84 cm for high radar and 2.79 cm for diameter ratios, for the laban type being the second and the lowest johor. Giving variant composition of organic and inorganic fertilizers did not give a real effect on the growth variation of each type of plant that is planted in the post C quarry mining area, most likely the factors that play a major role is the growing places such as rainfall, temperature and natural nutrient content that exists in the ground.
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