Changes in the physical, physiological, and biochemical conditions of Michelia champaca seeds at various levels of maturity




Pramono AA, Rustam E. 2017. Changes in the physical, physiological, and biochemical conditions of Michelia champaca seeds at various levels of maturity. Pros Sem Nas Masy Biodiv Indon 3: 368-375. Bambang lanang or champak (Michelia champaca) is one of wood carpentry tree species in Sumatera. M. champaca seeds are often reported as orthodox, intermediate or recalcitrant seeds. Information on seed quality variations related to the developmental stages of fruit characterized by changes in biochemical content, physical and physiological quality of seeds is necessary to determine the characteristics of seeds and the timing of fruits harvesting that produces the best quality seeds. The research aimed to study changes in physical, physiological and biochemical characteristics of seed during the seed development of bambang lanang. Seeds were extracted from fruit derived from stands in Bogor (West Java), and Lahat (South Sumatra) with various stages of development. Observations of length, width, weight, moisture content, protein content, fat, carbohydrate, and seed germination were performed on four groups of seeds. The grouping was based on the stage of fruit development that was characterized by the color of the seeds: (i) white, (ii) brownish white, (iii) blackish brown, and (iv) black. Data analysis was performed using ANOVA, Principal Component Analysis, and correlation. The results showed that the seeds achieve maximum physical development when the seed became black. In line with the development stage of seeds, water content and carbohydrate content decreased, while the fat and protein content increased. Germination percentage correlates with moisture content, protein content, and fat content. The seeds have reached physiological maturity when the seeds became black. The mature seeds have a water content of 16.7- 18.8%, carbohydrate content of 5.1-7.0%, fat 19.2-20.6% and protein 9-10%, with germination seeds are in the range of 28% and 69.7%. The biochemical characteristics of the seeds and their changes during the seed development indicate that the seed of bambang lanang is recalcitrant seed


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