Production of Big-leaf Mahogany (Swietenia macrophylla) fruits and seeds in Parung Panjang and Jonggol (Bogor, West Java) and its relation to soil fertility status




Pramono AA, Syamsuwida D, Djam’an DF. 2017. Production of Big-leaf Mahogany (Swietenia macrophylla) fruits and seeds in Parung Panjang and Jonggol (Bogor, West Java) and its relation to soil fertility status. Pros Sem Nas Masy Biodiv Indon 3: 381-389. Mahogany is a tropical forest tree species which have high economic values. The success of plantation programme of mahogany depends on the availability of seeds collected from qualified seed sources. However, currently, seed production from seed sources has not met the target needs. Therefore, it is required an effort to optimize seed production. The activities aimed to determine the characteristics of seed and fruit production of mahogany at Parung Panjang and Jonggol stands in relation to soil fertility status. The material for investigation were mahogany stands in BKPH Cariu, KPH Bogor and seed stands in BP2TPTH forest research in Parung Panjang, Bogor District. Three observation plots of 50 m x 50 m at each stand were made. Soil nutrition was analyzed at each plot. Leaves collected from 8 trees of each stand were analyzed to determine their nutrition.Generally, fruit production in Parung Panjang was more varied than Jonggol. All the parameters of fruit production in Parung Panjang showed no significant difference among plots. The fruits produced from Parung Panjang were heavier and longer than those collected from Jonggol. Both of locations possessed a low level of soil fertility. Mostly, macronutrients were at the level of very low to moderate, while micronutrients were a lot enough. Soil fertility in Parung Panjang better than Jonggol. The analysis of leaf nutrients indicated that the differences in fruit and seed production were related to the difference of Phosphorous content in the leaves. Nitrogen and potassium were not differentiating factors to the fruit and seed production in both locations.


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