Diversity of endophytic fungi from wheat (Triticum aestivum) that potential as bioinsecticides
Trizelia, Winarto, Tanjung A. 2017. Diversity of endophytic fungi from wheat (Triticum aestivum) that potential as bioinsecticides. Pros Sem Nas Masy Biodiv Indon 3: 433-437. The endophytic fungus is one of the biological agents that can be used as bioinsecticide. This fungus lives in plant tissue, without causing symptoms of disease in the host plant. The purpose of this study was to obtain the isolates of endophytic fungus associated with wheat crops that could potentially be used as bioinsecticides. Samples were taken from Koto Laweh , (Tanah Datar District) and Batu Bagiriak (Solok District), West Sumatera. The endophytic fungi were isolated from the stem of the wheat crop and the isolates obtained were tested against fifth instar larvae of Tenebrio molitor. Isolates of endophytic fungus that pathogenic to T. molitor larvae were identified macroscopically and microscopically. The results showed that the ability of endophytic fungi to colonize wheat crop stems ranged between 67-70%. The results of pathogenicity test of endophytic fungi on T. molitor larvae showed that of 121 isolates had been isolated, only 13 isolates (10.74%) were pathogenic to insects with larval mortality ranging from 5-97.5%. Based on the results of identification found 2 genera of endophytic fungi that is Aspergillus and Beauveria which is potential to be used as bioinsecticides.
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