The ability of aquatic plants Salvinia molesta and Pistia stratiotes as copper heavy metal phytoremediators
Irawanto R, Baroroh F. 2017. The ability of aquatic plants Salvinia molesta and Pistia stratiotes as copper heavy metal (Cu) phytoremediators. Pros Sem Nas Masy Biodiv Indon 3: 438-445. Water pollution caused by human activities has an impact on environmental damage, especially on agricultural cultivation. One way to overcome environmental pollution is by phytoremediation. Phytoremediation can use aquatic plant. One type of aquatic plants that are found in irrigated rice fields or irrigation, and can grow quickly is Salvinia molesta (Kiambang) and Pistia stratiotes (Kayu apu). In addition, the plant is acting on several studies to have phytoremediation ability in improving the quality of contaminated water. This study aims to determine the ability of aquatic plants of S. molesta and P. stratiotes as phytoremediators in accumulating copper (Cu) in water contaminated with heavy metal waste. Phytoremediation research was conducted during March to June 2017 at Purwodadi Botanical Garden- LIPI, with Cu metallic analysis using AAS (Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy) in Soil Chemistry Laboratory of Faculty of Agriculture Universitas Brawijaya, Malang. The research stages consist of determination of RFT (Range Finding Test) and experiment on aquatic plants using RAL (Complete Random Design) with 6 treatments and 3 replications. In RFT with Cu concentration of 3, 5, 10 and 15 ppm. It is known that S. molesta can survive 100% to 15 ppm, whereas P. stratiotes only survives 70% at 10 ppm. From the results of the RFT, the concentration of Cu used is 2 and 5 ppm, so that both types can act as phytoremediator. The results of this study showed that aquatic plants of P. stratiotes were more effective at reducing the concentration of 2 ppm, whereas S. molesta was more effective at a concentration of 5 ppm Cu heavy metals.
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