Resistance testing of nine local cultivar rice for three major races of blast disease
Paradisa YB, Indrayani S, Mulyaningsih ES. 2018. Resistance testing of nine local cultivar rice for three major races of blast
disease. Pros Sem Nas Masy Biodiv Indon 4: 107-110. Blast disease which caused by Pyricularia grisea (Cooke) Sacc. is one of the
obstacles to the cultivation of upland rice. The symptoms of infected leaves are spots, both pointed ends with gray colored at the center.
Meanwhile, attack at panicles causes necrotic lesions to cover partially or completely around the panicle base (node) or the lower part of
panicle axis. The panicles will be partially filled or unfilled grains. The effort made to reduce yield loss is by using resistant cultivar.
The use of blast-resistant cultivar are more environmentally safe than any others. Resistant cultivar can be obtained from wild rice, local
cultivar, and national cultivars. To determine the level of resilience, candidate parent crosses need to be tested for endurance. Resistance
testing can be done in vitro or directly in endemic areas. This study aims to determine the level of resilience of local rice cultivars.
Resistance information can be used to create a new resistant cultivar. This research used nine local cultivars (Adan, Dampak, Kuantek,
Padi Terong, Salak, Siam Harli, Siam II, Siam Unus, dan Surade Selatan) from Banten, West Java, East Kalimantan and North
Kalimantan and infected using 3 races blast (033, 073, and 133). In vitro testing was performed at 18 days old and treatment was
repeated 3 times. The Asahan cultivar is used as resistant control and Kencana Bali as a susceptible control. Based on the results of the
research, it is known that cultivars of Adan, Dampak, Kuantek, Padi Terong, Salak, Siam Harli, Siam II, and Siam Unus, are potential to
be used as resistant parent to blast disease with resistant and moderately resistant reaction to three races of blast. While the South Surade
showed a susceptible reaction and very susceptible to the three races of blast disease.
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