Ex situ conservation of Cinnamomum sintoc in Cibodas Botanical Garden, West Java
Handayani A. 2018. Ex situ conservation of Cinnamomum sintoc in Cibodas Botanical Garden, West Java. Pros Sem Nas
Masy Biodiv Indon 4: 111-114. Cinnamomum sintoc (sintok) is a species plant that produce essential oils that contains antispasmodic
and antimicrobial activity, and also has a number of medicinal effects such as raw materials for making herbal medicine. Although not
as popular as Cinnamomum burmanii, Cinnamomum sintoc also used as a food ingredient by the community because the bark has its
own distinctive aroma. Its presence in several number of in-situ conservation areas in Java is rare, so conservation efforts are needed to
protect its existence. Especially the part that is used primarily is the bark, it is becoming a threat if not used sustainably. The existence of
C. sintoc as a collection at Cibodas Botanical Gardens (KRC) is the efforts to conserve this rare species. There are 7 C. sintoc trees that
belong to Cibodas Botanical Garden (KRC) spread over four locations, i.e. vak II.A (1 tree), vak VIII.B (5 trees), and vak XVIII.B (1
tree). From the existing collections, only one which has flowered with small amounts and not until becoming fruit due to fall out. There
is no special treatment and has not been propagated due to the lack of old fruit. In the future, it is necessary to add the collection of C.
sintoc from West Java, observing the phenology, and then producing seedling that can be returned to their natural habitat.
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