Performance of peanut mutant genotypes grown under drought and shade stress
Hemon AF, Wahyuni,Kisman,Sumarjan, Abdurrachman H.2018.Performance of peanut mutantgenotypes grown under drought and shadestress. Pros Sem Nas Masy Biodiv Indon 4: 202-207. Peanut cultivation is generally carried out on dry landand intercropped so that the problem of lack of water and shade become the main limiting of peanut production.Use of drought and shading tolerant peanut cultivars is an effort to increase peanut production. This research aimed to evaluated performance of peanut mutan genotypes under drought and shade stress. The experiment had been donein Glass House with used randomized complete designthat arranged in split-split plot design. The main plot: shading 65% (using black paranet)and without shading;sub plot: drought stress(water deficit) and without drought stress (optimum condition); sub-sub plot: mutant genotypesG100-I, G100-IV, G300-I, G200-III, G250-I, G100-II, G150-I, G250-IV, G300-IV, and cv. Bison. Results of study showed that 1) the shade and drought stress that occur simultaneously on peanut crops coulddecrease the yield was greater than if only given shade stress or drought stress.The effect of shade stress wasgreaterto decreasedpeanut yields than drought stress and 2) The G200-III and G250-I mutant genotypes showed moderatetolerance to shade and drought stress and produced peanut yieldhigher than other mutant genotypes.
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