Biodiversity of macrozoobenthos in the Bulaksetra and Batukaras mangrove area, Pangandaran, West Java
Nurfajrin AR, Rosada KK. 2018. Biodiversity of macrozoobenthos in the Bulaksetra and Batukaras mangrove area, Pangandaran, West Java. Pros Sem Nas Masy Biodiv Indon 4: 248-253. Mangrove forests are coastal areas with various advantages, one of which is natural resources that are not owned by other regions. Pangandaran has two mangrove forest areas, namely Bulaksetra and Batukaras Mangroves located in two different sub-districts. This study aims to determine the biodiversity of macrozoobenthos as one of the natural resources of mangrove areas in the Bulaksetra and Batukaras Mangrove Forests in Pangandaran. This research is an explorative research. The taking of macrozoobenthos samples at the bottom of the waters was carried out using Surber mesh while the macrozoobenthos samples from the roots and stems of mangrove plants were taken by hand picking method. The results showed that overall in the Pangandaran mangrove area there were nine types of macrozoobenthos which all included in the Gastropod class and three of them were found in both mangrove areas. Bulaksetra Mangrove area which is dominated by vegetation Rhizophora sp. found six types of macrozoobenthos dominated by Faunus ater while the Mangrove Forest Batukaras dominated by vegetation Avicennia albafound six types of macrozoobenthos with a low level of dominance. Based on the Shannon-Wiener Diversity Index, the diversity and evenness of the macrozoobenthos species in Mangrove Bulaksetra Forest are lower than that of Batukaras Mangrove Forest.
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