Diversity and vegetation composition of Nepenthes habitat in Kerangas Forest at Tuing, Bangka




Robiansyah, Hidayati NA, Santi R. 2018. Diversity and vegetation composition of Nepenthes habitat in Kerangas Forest at Tuing, Bangka. Pros Sem Nas Masy Biodiv Indon 4:254-260. Bangka Belitung has the largest kerangas forest among other area in Sumatera. Kerangas forests are spreading over several regions, one of those is in Tuing, Mapur, Bangka. Kerangas forests have extreme conditions, yet these conditions lead to unique adaptations in plant. One of adapted plant in this harsh environment is Nepenthes. These potential ornamental plants are categorized as a law-protected species. However, the species is facing a wide range of threats that could lead to the decline of populations, mainly come from overexploitation. Moreover, the kerangas forest, as Nepentheshabitat at Tuing, is classed as vulnerable on IUCN Red-list, is struggling over land conversion. The threats then increase further in Nepenthes existence. Therefore, information about its habitat characteristics is important to support conservation management of Nepenthes.This research aimed to analyze Nepenthes diversity and to analye vegetation composition of its habitat to support Nepenthesconservation, especially in kerangas forests.The research was conducted in two type of kerangas forests, which were Amau and padang. There were 8 of 10m x 10m observation plots,which were determined by purposive sampling. Nepenthes found were counted and identified. Vegetation composition of Nepenthes was analyzed. Results showed that there were four species Nepenthes found in Kerangas forest, which were Nepenthes ampullaria, Nepenthes gracilis, Nepenthes mirabilis and Nepenthes reindwartiana. Nepenthesdiversity in Amau were higher than in padang. Nepenthes habitat consisted of 13 plant species, belong to eight families. Baeckea frutescens and Drosera burmannii were the two most important species of Nepenthes habitat.


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