Seed storage behavior and morphological characterization fruit and seed of pasat fruits (Heynea trijuga)
Abstract. Agustin EK, Wawangningrum H, Wanda IF. 2018. Seed storage behavior and morphological characterization fruit and seed of pasat fruits (Heynea trijuga). Pros Sem Nas Masy Biodiv Indon 4: 83-86. Heynea trijuga Roxb. ex Sims, known as the Pasat is a plant member of the Meliaceae tribe. Pasat is a tree and has unique fruits and seeds. This plant is widely spread in Asia, such as India, Indonesia, and South China. H. trijuga also has an analgesic and anti-inflammatory substance from the leaves, bark, roots and fruit pericarp. Extracts from the parts of the plant also have antiplasmodial. This study aims to determine the morphological characteristics and seed storage behavior of fruits and seeds. This study was conducted in a greenhouse nursery of the Bogor Botanical Gardens. The methods used are characterization of fruits and seeds, moisture content testing, storage and seed viability. The results showed egg-shaped fruit, red, average length: 26.3898 mm; diameter: 16.066 mm and weight: 3,606 g. Seeds oval; Average length: 18.94 mm and a diameter of 13.9 mm. Storage period significant effect on seed H. trijuga germination. The best germination occurs in the first 10 days of storage, i.e.: 81.32% ± 5:51 with a water content of 55.2%. In subsequent storage, germination tends to decrease with a decrease in grain water content.