Utilization of Family Zingiberaceae as medicinal plant by birth shaman along coastal zone in Jember District, East Java
Abstract. Puspitasari SOA, Asyiah IN, Astuti P. 2019. Utilization of family Zingiberaceae as medicinal plant by birth shaman along coastal zone in Jember District, East Java. Pros Sem Nas Masy Biodiv Indon 5: 444-449. The coastal area in Jember District, East Java has a long history of utilizing various species of plants in daily life, including as food, medicine or ritual processions. The knowledge of traditional medicine is obtained from generation to generation which is one of the studies of ethnobotany. However, along with the times and the advancement of modern medicine, the tradition of traditional medicine began to decline. Since the issuance of the Regulation of the Minister of Health of the Republic of Indonesia Number 1464 / Menkes / Per / X / 2010 concerning Permits and Implementation of Midwife Practices, it has the impact on the prohibition of the use of delivery services by birth shaman. This prohibition is feared to cause the loss of local knowledge regarding the use of medicinal plants by birth shaman, because of the birth shaman uses various medicinal plants. The medicinal plants are the most used, one of which comes from the family Zingiberaceae. This study aims to determine the various benefits of the members of family Zingiberaceae used by traditional birth attendants along the coast in Jember District. The type of research was descriptive exploratory and the sampling collections used purposive sampling and snowball sampling. Data were collected through semi-structured interviews using open-ended type questions. The results showed that there are 6 plant species from the family Zingiberaceae used by a birth shaman along the coast in Jember District that is, ginger (Zingiber officinale), kencur (Kaempferia galanga), turmeric (Curcuma domestica), galangal (Alpinia galanga), temu kunci (Boesenbergia rotunda), and temulawak (Curcuma xanthorrhiza).
Keywords: Coastal community, medicinal plants, Zingiberaceae
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