Potential of terrestrial orchid as a medicine and in vitro multiplication
Abstract. Garvita RV, Wawangningrum H. 2020. Potential of terrestrial orchid as a medicine and in vitro multiplication. Pros Sem Nas Masy Biodiv Indon 6: 512-519. Orchid belongs to the Orchidaceae family, which is the second largest family of flowering plants with more than 850 genera. Terrestrial orchids have been widely used as traditional medicine. In general, medicinal orchids have not subjected to detailed pharmacological studies but are based on usage by local community. Particularly used as traditional medicine has been given to diuretic, anti-rheumatic, anti-inflammatory, anti-carcinogenic, hypoglycaemic activities, anti-microbial, anti-convulsive, relaxation, neuroprotective, and anti-virus. A large number of orchids have been used in treatment of various diseases, therefore, there are several studies have been undertaken to provide the medicinal uses of orchids. The aim of this study is to introduce a collection of terrestrial orchids in Bogor Botanic Gardens (BBG), LIPI, which has potential for medicine and is expected to be a basis for consideration in more effective conservation and propagation actions. An inventory of orchid collection in BBG carried out exploratively and sought literature on its conservation aspects by in vitro and phytochemical content that has potential for medicine. Some of the genus in the BBG that have potential as medicine are Anoetochilus, Goodyera, Eulophia, Habenaria, Malaxis, and Nervilia.
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