The application of ethnobiology data as a vehicle that supports the management of food material biodiversity that is sustainable




Abstract. Purwanto Y. 2020. The application of ethnobiology data as a vehicle that supports the management of food material biodiversity that is sustainable. Pros Sem Nas Masy Biodiv Indon 6: 633-646. The development of ethnobiology studies is currently very rapid with a discussion of multidisciplinary, interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary whose scope of study is very broad covering socio-cultural, socioeconomic and broad aspects of biology. Ethnobiology data becomes very important role in supporting the management of biodiversity that is more valuable, namely economic, ecological, ethical and intrinsic values for people’s lives, especially for the fulfillment of their needs and sustainability. In general, each community group or ethnic group has local knowledge, local wisdom and local genius in managing biodiversity in the area under its control. Ethnobiology study is the only field of study that can be used as a vehicle to express local knowledge, local wisdom and local genius of the community in managing biodiversity in a sustainable manner. This paper reveals the role of ethnobiological data on the role of local knowledge/wisdom/genius in order to support the management and development of biodiversity, especially the development of biological resources for food. The latest appeal and strategies for developing ethnobiological data in the management and development of biodiversity by the community were also revealed.
