Water quality status based on phytoplankton bioindicator in Tayu River, Tayu Sub-district, Pati District, Central Java Indonesia
Abstract. Kaswinarni F, Aristiyana FN, Dzakiy MA. 2023. Water quality status based on phytoplankton bioindicator in Tayu River, Tayu Sub-district, Pati District, Central Java Indonesia. Pros Sem Nas Masy Biodiv Indon 9: 10-15. Sungai The Tayu River is the largest river that leads the Tayu Sub-district, Pati District, Central Java. The development of community activities around the river is predicted to affect the water quality of Tayu River. Phytoplankton is an aquatic organisms whose can be as bioindicators of water quality. This research was conducted to know the level of saprobity using SI (Saprobic Index) analysis and physicochemical parameter conditions of the Tayu River. The location of the sampling stations in Tayu River are divided into three , namely station 1 is a rice field area, station 2 is a residential area and sation 3 is a pond area. This research found 19 saprobic genera of Tayu River consist of 4 group of saprobitas, namely polisabropik (3 genus), ?-mesosaprobik (5 genus), ?-mesosaprobik (6 genus), and oligosaprobik (5 genus). Based on the result of the analysis of the saprobity index calculation, Tayu River has SI value in the range 0.06 to 0.71 which is well within the range of ?-mesosaprobik phase for station 2 and ?-mesosaprobik phase for station 1 and 3.
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