Virulence and genetic diversity of Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. cepae as the cause of root rot in garlic




Abstract. Choiruddin MR, Fatawi ZD, Hadiwiyono. 2019. Virulence and genetic diversity of Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. cepae as the cause of root rot in garlic. Bioteknologi 16: 31-36. Garlic (Allium sativum L.) is a well-known name in the community. The development of garlic in an area intensively and continuously has a positive impact on increasing farmers' income but also has a negative impact with a significant increase in garlic disease attacks. Root rot caused by Fusarium oxysporum f. sp cepae is one of the factors causing garlic yield loss, both in the field and during storage. Recently, this disease has also become endemic in the garlic production center in Tawangmangu, Indonesia. This study aims to obtain information about the virulence and genetic diversity of Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. cepae from endemic and non-endemic areas of garlic based on RAPD analysis. This research was conducted from August to December 2009 in Indonesia. Based on the virulence test, there is no significant difference in the damage caused by various isolates between endemic and non-endemic areas. There is no difference in the pattern of DNA fragments in endemic and non-endemic areas, but 3 groups of DNA strains can be obtained from these results. Still, the grouping is unrelated to the virulence and origin of endemic or non-endemic isolates. The grouping between lines does not include differences between endemic and non-endemic areas. In line 1, all isolates are isolates from endemic areas; in line 2, there are isolates from endemic areas (FCp2 isolates) and non-endemic (FCp7 isolates); while strain 3 is also a mixture of isolates from endemic areas (FCp3 isolates) and non-endemic areas. (FCp5, FCp6, and FCp8) isolates. It proves that there is genetic diversity in F. oxysporum f. sp. cepae isolated from Tawangmangu. However, the genetic diversity of these pathogens is not related to the disease status of the area of ??origin of the isolates.


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