Review: The potential of wader fish (Puntius spp.) as a source of food, medicine, and traditional use




Abstract. Zen HM, Nurcahyo FD, ‘Azizah HPN, Nurwulandari M, Naim DMd, Setyawan AD. 2024. Review: The potential of wader fish (Puntius spp.) as a source of food, medicine, and traditional use. Asian J Trop Biotechnol 21: 75-88. Freshwater ecosystems rich in biodiversity are often inhabited by wader fish (Puntius spp.: Cyprinidae). Wader fish are omnivores, consuming various plankton and aquatic insects, and are typically found in river streams with relatively clear water and pH around 6.0-6.5. Its adaptive habitats, including rivers, lakes, and ponds, and widespread distribution from India to Southeast Asia make them critical elements in freshwater ecosystem sustainability. This study aims to maintain the availability of nutritious food, preserve traditional knowledge in medicine, and safeguard the population of wader fish for future generations. Morphological analysis is crucial for understanding wader fish's characteristics and phylogenetic relationships, with wader fish exhibiting diverse morphological traits, including unique body colors and structures. In Indonesia, Puntius consists of 33 species, classified into three subgenera: Puntius, Poropuntius, and Barbodes. Besides providing significant economic value, wader fish also play a crucial role in preventing community malnutrition. They are an essential protein source and offer various health benefits. The morphology of wader fish includes a compact body shape, flat head, and various colors and patterns on its body. As a nutritious food source, wader fish are rich in protein, fats, vitamins, and minerals that benefit humans. Additionally, the potential uses of wader fish in medicine are diverse, including antioxidant, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, immunity, and liver health benefits. wader fish


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