Identification and potential of vascular plants in the karst ecosystem of Somopuro Cave, Pacitan, East Java, Indonesia




Abstract. Septiasari A, Balgis M, Lathifah MN, Hanugroho PD, Setyawan AD. 2021. Identification and potential of vascular plants in the karst ecosystem of Somopuro Cave, Pacitan, East Java, Indonesia. Intl J Trop Drylands 5: 75-83. Karst areas are composed of limestone hills or mountains formed over hundreds or even millions of years. Karst landforms vary according to the formation process. With a unique formation, karst land is a place to live for unique organisms. The karst area is like a natural laboratory that contains various phenomena of living organisms and plays an important role in the progress of science. One of the plants that live in the karst environment is a vascular plant and is rarely discussed among researchers. No one has ever investigated the vascular plants around Somopuro Cave, so this research became interesting to discuss. This paper aims to know the diversity of vascular plants in the Somopuro Karst Cave, Pacitan, East Java, Indonesia area, and the potential species. The research was conducted in November 2021, using a survey method. Based on observations around Somopuro Cave, vascular plants are grouped based on their habitus; there are 5 groups, namely trees, shrubs, herbs, vines, and epiphytes. The collection of plants in the karst area of the Somopuro Cave contains 103 species from 51 families. Results revealed that the most common vascular plants are Asteraceae, Araceae, Fabaceae, and Euphorbiaceae family. Six potentials can be utilized from vascular plants in the Somopuro Cave Area: medicinal plants, ornamental plants, foodstuffs, wood-producing plants, animal feed, and energy sources.



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