Ethnobotanical study of the non-medicinal plant by village communities in the karst area of Pacitan, East Java, Indonesia




Abstract. Cahyaningsih AP, Arifiani KN, Aprilia D, Nugroho ME, Setyawan AD. 2022. Ethnobotanical study of the non-medicinal plant by village communities in the karst area of Pacitan, East Java, Indonesia. Intl J Trop Drylands 6: 1-10. The local community of Pacitan District, East Java Province, Indonesia, especially in the karst area in several villages of Tulakan Sub-district, has a yard and farm usually planted with many species of plants that have various benefits. These plants are edible, animal feed, spices, biopesticides, and plant growth hormones. However, the knowledge of the local community of Tulakan Sub-district regarding the various benefits of plants is only known from generation to generation, conveyed orally and in daily practice habits, so a study is needed to document this information. This study aims to reveal the knowledge of local communities and the diversity of non-medicinal plant species to meet communities' daily lives. The location of research was carried out in 2 villages located in Tulakan Sub-district, Pacitan District, East Java, Indonesia, namely Bungur Village and Tulakan Village. Data was collected through field surveys and direct interviews using the snowball sampling technique. A total of 40 respondents were interviewed, with details 14 male and 26 female. Respondents with the majority of high school educational backgrounds have around 46-55 years old. The inventory of non-medicinal plants amounted to 60 species of angiosperm plants from 43 families. The plants used consisted of 34 species for the edible plants, 20 for the fodder plants, 6 for herbs, 1 for biopesticide, and 1 for natural growth hormone. Based on the study results, it is known that local people use plants as edible plants with more diverse plant species compared to other uses.



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