Short Communication: Diversity of fauna and local wisdom of Somopuro Cave, Pacitan District, East Java, Indonesia
Abstract. Sholiqin M, Mahendra AS, Waskito DN, Fathoni MFM, Maheswara VD, Indrawan M, Junaedi E, Setyawan AD. 2024. Short Communication: Diversity of fauna and local wisdom of Somopuro Cave, Pacitan District, East Java, Indonesia. Intl J Trop Drylands 8: 114-125. Karst is an area that has a remarkable landscape and hydrological pattern that is formed from a combination of rock properties that have a high level of solubility and well-developed secondary porosity. This research aims to determine the diversity of fauna and local wisdom in the Somopuro Cave karst area, Pacitan, East Java, Indonesia. The sampling was conducted in December 2023. The method used was direct observation and interviews regarding animals and the local wisdom of the local people. The fauna sampling technique and local wisdom are combining hand collection with trap method, direct count and in-depth interviews with Somopuro Cave sources. Data analysis used the formulas for the Shannon Wiener diversity, Evenness Index, Dominance Index, Species Richness Index, and local wisdom analysis through interviews with residents. The animal species obtained includes Actinopterygii (Barbodes binotatus, Poecilia reticulata, Barbonymus gonionotus, and Channa striata), mammals (Eonycteris spelaea), crustacea (Cardisoma carnifex and Penaeus merguiensis), arthropods (Limnogonus fossarum, Phrynus exsul, and Diestrammena heinrichi), Amphibians (Fejervarya cancrivora), and Mollusca (Faunus ater). The calculation results obtained a Diversity Index value of 1.26 in the medium diversity category, Evenness Index (0.45) in the medium evenness category, Dominance Index (0.44) in the low dominance category, and Species Richness Index (2.46) in the low species richness category. The value of fauna species diversity is still low in the community, and low dominance indicates balanced competition between fauna populations. The local wisdom found in Somopuro Cave is Tapa Mangsa which means meditating in a special month and makes the cave considered sacred and mystical. This action aims to gain peace, maintain the surrounding environment, and preserve the ecosystem so that it is not exploited or damaged by humans. The development of the modern era has made the community's analogy towards this belief decline so that currently, there is a lot of use of fauna resources in the cave by the community.