Unveiling the interplay between tree stand attributes, species diversity, and biomass carbon in Chunati Wildlife Sanctuary, Southeastern Bangladesh




Abstract. Rakib MH, Hossain SMS, Sadnan MWM, Chowdhury MIH. 2024. Unveiling the interplay between tree stand attributes, species diversity, and biomass carbon in Chunati Wildlife Sanctuary, Southeastern Bangladesh. Intl J Trop Drylands 8: 95-105. Biodiversity plays a pivotal role in maintaining ecosystem health and resilience, especially in tropical forest landscapes. This study investigates the intricate relationships between stand structure, biodiversity indices, and biomass carbon within forest ecosystems, specifically focusing on the Chunati Wildlife Sanctuary (CWS), a tropical forestland in Southeastern Bangladesh. The key structural attributes, i.e. tree height, diameter at breast height (DBH), basal area, and stand density, as well as biodiversity indices, were analyzed to understand their correlations with biomass carbon. The study exhibits the measured soil carbon levels ranging from 35.26 to 93.26 Mg C ha-1 and tree biomass carbon from approximately 131.13 to 387.23 Mg C ha-1. The findings revealed a strong positive correlation between tree height and biomass carbon (R² = 0.6517), indicating that taller trees generally store more carbon due to enhanced photosynthesis. Notably, DBH exhibited a robust correlation (R² = 0.8683), highlighting the significance of larger trees as carbon sinks. The basal area emerged as the strongest predictor of biomass carbon, with an impressive correlation (R² = 0.9119). The Shannon-Wiener and Margalef's richness indices had moderate to strong correlations with biomass carbon (R² = 0.4473 and R² = 0.5663) respectively. These results underscore the importance of maintaining diverse and structurally complex forests for effective carbon sequestration. The future study should incorporate additional ecological variables to refine models for predicting forest carbon dynamics with the vast change in tropical landscapes and inform better conservation strategies, leading to tropical biodiversity conservation and climate change mitigation efforts on tropical landscapes.



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