Short Communication: The tolerance level of local sorghum genotypes from Sabu-Raijua and Belu Districts, Indonesia to saline soil




Abstract. Benggu YI, Nguru ESO. 2018. The tolerance level of local sorghum genotypes from Sabu-Raijua and Belu Districts, Indonesia to saline soil. Trop Drylands 2: 1-4. Sorghum is potential agricultural crop developed in semi-arid region in Indonesia which is characterized by dry climate and saline soil. This study aimed to determine the level of tolerance of local sorghum from Sabu-Raijua and Belu Districts, Nusa Tenggara Timur Province to saline soil. The research was conducted in the experimental field and soil chemistry laboratory of Faculty of Agriculture, Universitas Nusa Cendana, from June to October 2016. The study was carried out in a factorial treatment design laid out in a completely randomized design with two factors. The first factor was the variety of sorghum, consisting of three levels: local sorghum from Sabu-Raijua, local sorghum from Belu and national Numbu variety. The second factor was the salinity levels of Vertisol, composed of five levels, i.e., 0, 6, 8, 10 and 12 In total, there were 15 treatments with three replications for each treatment. Variables observed were plant height, number of leaves, flowering date, and seed dry weight. Analysis of variance was conducted followed by Tukey test (5%). The result showed that there was an interaction effect between sorghum variety and salinity level of soil on all variables observed. In general, all varieties of sorghum grew normally with soil salinity level ranging from 0 to 8 At salinity level of 8 to 12, seedlings grew for a few weeks then gradually wilted and died. Local sorghum from Belu and national Numbu variety were semi or moderately tolerant to salinity while local sorghum from Sabu-Raijua was sensitive.



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