Maize bioengineering with c-repeat binding factor 1 (CBF1) as a technique for drought tolerance




Abstract. Kuria EK, Machuka J, Runo S. 2019. Maize bioengineering with c-repeat binding factor 1 (CBF1) as a technique for drought tolerance. Trop Drylands 3: 1-10. Africa is a drought-prone continent leading to failure in cultivation particularly to small-scale farmers who rely on rain-fed agriculture. Maize is the most widely cultivated main crop in Africa with more than 300 million people relying on it as their major staple food. Drought causes crop failure, famine and poverty and this is being aggravated by climate change. Therefore, it is necessary to develop drought tolerant maize. Since traditional propagation techniques are laborious and lengthy, bioengineering becomes a viable option. In this study, three maize inbred lines and one hybrid were altered with CBF1 gene and appointed with mannose utilizing the Phosphomannose isomerase (PMI) gene. Genetic alteration was conducted through Agrobacterium tumefaciens and PCR was utilized to ascertain altered plants. Alteration frequency, alteration effectiveness and regeneration effectiveness were equated among the distinct genotypes altered. There were no remarkable dissimilarities in alteration frequency among the four maize genotypes. CML216 had the highest alteration effectiveness and regeneration effectiveness, followed by A188. No alleged transgenic plants were regenerated from TL27 and A188×TL18 under the circumstances implemented on account of their low regenerability. Further molecular analysis and drought stress tentatives on the expanded transgenic maize are significant prior to commercial release. Availability of drought tolerant maize would bring positive outcomes to fight famine, particularly in Africa.

