Yield and yield component performances of local pigmented upland rice cultivars from East Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia in three locations
Abstract. Ndiwa ASS, Mau YS. 2019. Yield and yield component performances of local pigmented upland rice cultivars from East Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia in three locations. Trop Drylands 3: 49-55. There is increasing demand for pigmented rice due to nutritional benefits, yet the supply is limited. Dryland region in Indonesia, including East Nusa Tenggara Province, has local pigmented upland rice varieties which have been selected based on their agronomic performance, blast resistance, and drought tolerance traits. This study aimed to further elucidate the selected upland rice cultivars for their yield performance and stability in a multi-location trial in three locations. The results showed the significant effect of rice genotype, location, and interactions between rice genotype and location (GxE) on most observed variables, both in each location and across the three locations. Five genotypes produced average grain yield of ? 4.0 t/ha over three locations, i.e., NGR-22, PMK-01, ADN-05, Inpago 7 and Aek Sibundong. These five genotypes were found to produce high and stable grain yield under the three growing environments.
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