Evaluation of the current situation of sheep production characteristics in Nkasi District, Tanzania




Abstract. Kapongo RY, Mbaga SH. 2024. Evaluation of the current situation of sheep production characteristics in Nkasi District, Tanzania. Intl J Trop Drylands 8: 44-57. This study was conducted in two divisions, Namanyere and Mkwamba of Nkasi District in the Rukwa Region, Tanzania, to assess the sheep production status of smallholder farmers. Eight wards, namely Namanyere, Mtenga, Chala, Swaila, Kipande, Sintali, Kate, and Isale, were surveyed from November 2010 to April 2011. The random sampling technique was adopted to get 20 respondents from each selected ward. Two villages from each ward were chosen randomly, whereby ten respondents were interviewed in each village. A structured questionnaire was used to collect data from smallholder farmers keeping sheep and was complimented by secondary data from the district council offices. The results showed that sheep strains kept mainly by smallholder farmers were variant crosses of local strains and Red Maasai. The strains were deemed tolerant to diseases/parasites, heat, and drought and had better carcasses. Most smallholder farmers adopted an extensive grazing system during both dry and wet seasons. Breeding was uncontrolled; however, rams were selected based on their body sizes, conformation, and performance (e.g., number of lambs per ewe's lifetime, age at first lambing, and lambing intervals). Traits such as disease tolerance, drought, and heat tolerance scored higher for most strains. The average age at first lambing was 6.5 months, the lambing interval was three months, and the average number of lambs per ewe's lifetime was 14. The constraints to sheep production mostly were poor market availability, endemic diseases, and mortality of lambs. On marketing, fewer sheep were sold in the market compared to goats, and the price was 22% lower than that of goats.



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