Nutritional and biochemical properties of locally produced wine from blended honey and coconut juice




Abstract. Tatah VS, Ogodo AC, Boyi RHN, Abah MA, Timothy M, Ayantse LM. 2023. Nutritional and biochemical properties of locally produced wine from blended honey and coconut juice. Asian J Trop Biotechnol 20: 31-36. Humans have consumed honey since ancient times due to its high medicinal and nutritional value. Coconut (Cocos nucifera L.) is highly nutritious, fiber-rich, and contains essential vitamins and minerals. Coconut cream and coconut milk are two of the many edible products made from the coconut fruit. In addition, some wines are produced from a single fruit type or a combination of blended fruits and other raw materials. This research was conducted to determine the nutritional values and biochemical properties of locally produced wine from blended honey/coconut juice. The blended wine in this study was locally prepared and stored for about three years in the refrigerator at about 4ºC. The Association of Official Analytical method was used to determine phytochemical constituents, proximate composition, minerals composition, physicochemical properties, sugar/alcohol contents, and amino acid content. The phytochemical content includes saponins, tannins, flavonoids, glycosides, resins, alkaloids, terpenes, and cardiac glycosides. The wine contains 75.50% moisture, 0.15% carbohydrate, and 0.20% protein. Ash, fat and crude fibers content were 0.14%, 0.25%, and 0.13%, respectively. The essential amino acids in the blended wine were isoleucine, leucine, histidine, lysine, and threonine. And the non-amino acids were glutamine, glutamic acid, serine, alanine, proline, and aspartic acid with high concentrations. Several minerals were also contained in blended wine, i.e., lead, aluminum, calcium, zinc, phosphorus, sulphur, and iron. Several parameters from the blended wine are slightly higher regarding the recommended daily requirement. Therefore, good wine could be produced from blended honey and coconut juice.


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