Changes in density level and mangrove land cover on Teluk Pandan Coast, Lampung, Indonesia, after 10 years of community-based management
Abstract. Hasani Q, Anisa A, Damai AA, Yuliana D, Yudha IG, Julian D. 2023. Changes in density level and mangrove land cover on Teluk Pandan Coast, Lampung, Indonesia, after 10 years of community-based management. Biodiversitas 24: 3735-3742. The mangrove ecosystem in the Teluk Pandan coastal area, Pesawaran District, Lampung Province, Indonesia, is part of the mega-biodiversity of mangroves in Indonesia. Specifically, the mangrove in this region has changed due to tourism, aquaculture, settlement activities and coastal abrasion. This study aimed to assess the changes in density level and area change of the mangrove forests at five coastal villages in Teluk Pandan during the period of community management from 2010 to 2020. The effort and success of the rehabilitation were reported in this study can be useful as a consideration of sustainable management of mangrove ecosystem both in Lampung and in other areas in Indonesia. Mangrove area was estimated through field surveys and data processing of satellite imagery from Landsat 5 in 2010 and Landsat 8 in 2020. The mangrove density level and area change were calculated by layering images of mangrove distribution from different years. The classification of mangrove density was determined based on the NDVI value. Satellite imagery was compared with field data collected from 20 observation points at five villages to ensure the density level and interpretation accuracy. Image data analysis showed the changes in mangrove area from 109.80 ha in 2010, an increase of 16.39% to 127.80 ha in 2020. The area of mangrove forest in the rare category decreased by 49.35%, the moderate category increased by 39.13%, and the dense category increased by 109.71%. The study confirmed the successful effort to manage and preserve mangroves in Teluk Pandan Sub-district. Eventually, community-based mangrove management (CBMM) and cross-sectoral and multi-stakeholder management (co-management) has become the core strategy in the successful management of mangrove at five coastal villages in Teluk Pandan Sub-district.
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