Short Communication: Estimation of aboveground biomass and carbon sequestration in KGPAA Mangkunagoro I Grand Forest Park, Central Java, Indonesia
Abstract. Indriyani S, Sari SP, Negari SIT, Prambudi SA, Nur AAI, Kusumaningrum L, Indrawan M, Sunarto, Sugiyarto, Budiharta S, Setyawan AD. 2024. Short Communication: Estimation of aboveground biomass and carbon sequestration in KGPAA Mangkunagoro I Grand Forest Park, Central Java, Indonesia. Biodiversitas 25: 2257-2263. Forests play an important role in climate change mitigation by absorbing carbon dioxide in the atmosphere and store it in the form of biomass. Valuation of carbon storage potential of a forest will provide insight on the importance of preserving it. This study aims to assess plant diversity and estimate aboveground biomass, carbon stocks, carbon dioxide sequestration potential, and the economic value of ecosystem services from carbon sequestration in KGPAA Mangkunagoro I Grand Forest Park, Central Java, Indonesia. We used a non-destructive method (i.e. allometric equation) in estimating aboveground biomass and carbon stock. We established 50 sampling plots to identify and measure trees (DBH >20 cm) and poles (10<DBH<20 cm). The results showed that there were 30 species from 20 families found in the observation plots. The potential aboveground biomass at the tree and pole level was 297.92 tons/ha and 57.22 tons/ha, respectively, while the total carbon stock for tree and pole was 140.02 tons/ha and 26.89 tons/ha, respectively. This was equivalent to carbon dioxide sequestration of 513.88 tons/ha and 98.70 tons/ha for trees and poles. The economic value of environmental services from carbon stock in the whole area of KGPAA Mangkunagoro I Grand Forest Park was estimated at IDR 21,289,040,253. The results of this research show that apart from playing a role in mitigating climate change by absorbing carbon, KGPAA Mangkunagoro I Grand Forest Park also has valuable economic value.
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